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Plant Tips for Black Thumbs

Plant Tips for Black Thumbs

Got those new plant parent blues with your plants dying left and right? We got you covered!


Here are some useful tips to turn those black thumbs into green thumbs! 🌱


Don’t give up!

  • Some days make you just want to give up on plant parenthood altogether, but don’t give up just yet! There’s always a chance to rescue and revive a dying plant with a little bit of extra TLC. And if that doesn’t work, you can always do better next time. It isn’t the end of the world just yet, you got this!


Treat your plants like they’re your leafy pet.

    • Always remember: your plant is alive! They’re not just a green and leafy decoration to turn a dull corner into a picture-perfect one. You need to give it just as much love and attention because your plant depends on you!


Know yourself and know your space!

    • Just like each person, each plant has its own unique needs too! If you’re a busy and on-the-go person, avoid getting high-maintenance plants that need extra care and attention.
    • The same thought applies to your space as well. Does your home have plenty of natural light? Get a plant that loves to bask in the sunlight! Pretty dim indoors? Choose a plant that can thrive even in lowlight. Do your research to decide what kind of plant fits your lifestyle and your space.


Become fluent in plant-uage!

    • We all wish plants could talk so we can figure out how to make them thrive. If it only it were that easy! But we have a quick solution for that: the next best thing we can do is to simply observe the language plants are fluent in – body language! Are the leaves droopy? Are they bending towards the light? Do they have crispy edges or yellow spots? Is the soil too dry or too wet? Take note of these little details and do your research so you can fix what needs fixing!


Like all things, good things take time! With enough patience and practice, you can turn those #PlantWoes into #PlantGoals! 😉🌿